posted by DGDragon 2011. 5. 16. 22:49

몇달 포스팅 안 한 것 같아서 이런 거라도. 미션이 많이 바뀌었는데, 잘하면 R&D 한다고 다시 미션 달릴지도.


Unique icons have been created for Blueprint originals and Blueprint copies so you can visibly differentiate between them.

블루프린트 오리지널과 카피를 위한 아이콘을 만들었습니다. 이제 육안으로 구분 가능.

Need for Speed
We have enhanced the profiling suite which gives us better eyes on the server and what it is executing. This functionality allows us to view what actions cause specific issues and provides us with graphical representations. In short, this is good for Team Gridlock who love to fight lag and keep hamsters alive.

이래저래 어째저째해서 빨라져뜸!

The capabilities of the onboard scanner have been substantially increased. The range is now 64 AU and the delay to return results is only 10 seconds.
Ships with jumpdrives are now unable to use jump bridges with the exception of ships belonging to the Black Ops ship category.

온보드 스캐너 능력 대폭 향상. 반경 64AU, 결과 나올 때까지 10초 밖에 안 걸림.
블랙옵스 카테고리가 아닌 모든 점프드라이브 소유배는 점프브릿지를 사용하지 못함

Agents & Missions
Agent Quality has been removed meaning that all Agents are now +20 in terms of payout and -20 in terms of access. Go forth, Capsuleers, and explore the world outside of Motsu and Dodixie.
Agent Divisions have been simplified from 20 down to just 3. The new Security, Distribution and Mining divisions now provide uniform types of missions instead of a mission type that was percentage based.

에이전트 & 미션
+20부터 -20까지 있었던 에이전트 퀄리티 삭제. 캡슐리어들이여, 모츠와 도딕시 밖의 세계로 나가세요.
20개 가까웠던 에이전트 디비전이 3개로 축소. 시큐리티, 디스트리뷰션, 마이닝. 세 타입의 에이전트들은 자기 타입의 미션을 줌.

Accompanying the changes to Agent Divisions, seven ‘Connection’ skills will be removed. The skill books of the old connection skills will be replaced with their new equivalents which are listed below. Players who have the old skills already trained will have those skills removed and receive replacement skillbooks in the hangar of their home station and have the skillpoints reimbursed.
Bureaucratic Connections and Financial Connections will be replaced with Distribution Connections.
High Tech Connections, Military Connections and Political Connections will be replaced with Security Connections.
Labor and Trade Connections will be replaced with Mining Connections.

에이전트 디비전의 변화에 의해, 일곱 커넥션 스킬들 삭제. 옛 커넥션 스킬의 스킬북들은 아래의 동급 스킬로 치환됨. 구스킬을 이미 익혔다면 스킬 자체는 스킬북으로 바뀌어져 플레이어 홈스테이션의 행어에 들어가게 되고, 스킬 포인트는 리임뷰즈됨.
어떤 커넥션이 어떤 커넥션으로 바뀌는 가는 직접 읽어보시고 생략.

Science & Industry
When attempting to start a Manufacturing job without all the required materials, the quote window now retains focus. A refresh button has been added so that you can add the correct amount of materials and proceed without having to restart the process.

사이언스 & 인더스트리
필요 재료를 충분히 구비하지 못하고 제작 작업을 시도할 경우 큐 윈도우는 포커스 획득. 갱신 버튼이 추가되어 공정을 재시작하지 않고 정확한 양의 재료를 추가해 제작을 재시도 가능.

The Incursion Global Report featured the label 'System Control', this has been renamed to the more accurate description 'Constellation Control'.
Incursion Encounters reward graphs featured the label 'Reward payout ratio' which has been re-named with the more accurate label 'Reward Multiplier'.

잉커젼은 안 해봐서 모르므로 생략합니다.

User Interface
The scroll position in the fleet window now retains or returns to its previous position when fleet members join, leave or move.
When holding down ‘alt’, your probes will scale around the center, making it easier to adjust them. A green line has added to make it more intuitive.
The Fleet History tab has been re-worked and streamlined so that instead of multiple tabs, there is now a single tab with filter options.
When opening Fleet from the Neocom, you'll be taken directly to the fleet finder.
Information on a pilot's standings towards NPC corporations is no longer visible from 'Show Info'. You now see the standings information between you and the other pilot and the factions you each belong to.

플릿창의 스크롤 위치가 플릿 멤버가 들어오고 나갈 때마다 원 위치로 돌아감(?)
알트키를 누르고 있으면 프로브가 센터에 들어와 조정하기 쉬워짐(?). 직관성 향상을 위한 녹색선 추가.
플릿 히스토리 탭이 변경되어 여러 탭 대신 여러 줄로 바뀜. 필터 옵션이 달린 하나의 탭.
네오콤에서 플릿을 열면 플릿 파인더가 바로 뜸.
쇼인포에서 NPC 꼽과 특정 파일럿 사의 스탠딩을 볼 수 없게 됨. 당신과 다른 파일럿과 팩션간의 스탠딩 정보는 당신이 각기 속한 곳에서 볼 수 있음(?)


Exploration & Deadspace
Several Sansha agents had infiltrated cosmic anomaly locations in Serpentis claimed space. The Serpentis have now regained control from these rogue elements.
One anomaly site could not be detected from a type of Infrastructure Hub upgrade. This lost site can now be located properly.
The DED Complexes, Blood Raider 9 of 10 and Serpentis 8 of 10, have been examined and now work correctly.


익스플로레이션 & 데드스페이스
몇몇 산샤 에이전트가 서펜티스가 먹고 있는 땅에 있는 코스믹 어노멀리 로케이션에 침입했었음. 서펜티스는 이 강도떼들에게서 통제권을 회복함.
어노멀리 사이트 하나가 인프라스트럭처 허브 업그레이드의 타입에 따라 탐지되지 않았음(?). 이제 정상적으로 나옴.
DED 컴플렉스 중 블러드 레이더 9/10과 서펜티스 8/10이 제대로 나오게 됨.

User Interface
The fleet icon that indicates that loot-logging is enabled has been removed since loot-logging is always enabled.
A re-sized contract window would reset to the default size each time a contract was opened. The contract window now retains the adjusted size.
Some entries in the Attributes tab in Show Info windows were previously formatted in unintuitive ways, such as ‘Can’t be activated in warp: 1’, or were missing their units, such as ‘Fuel required: 30,000’. Many of these have now been tidied up, so for example they now read ‘Can’t be activated in warp: True’ and ‘Fuel required: 30,000 units’

유저 인터페이스
룻-로깅이 상시화 되면서 룻로깅 표시가 사라짐.
컨트랙 윈도의 크기 조절이 열릴 때마다 초기화 되던 것을 고침.
쇼 인포의 정보가 플레이어가 알아먹기 어려웠거나 단위가 빠졌던 것을 고침.

Several changes for consistency and linguistic issues have been made throughout the game for both the German and Russian clients.
The fleet UI has been revised for consistency and linguistic issues in the German client
The translation of ‘warp’, in the Russian client, is now complemented with the original term in parentheses wherever it has been deemed important for communication with English-speaking players.
For consistency and stylistic reasons, the terminology for Drones in the market categories has been revised in the German client. In addition, all drone related text has been revised for consistency and linguistic issues.
Terms changed are:
Fighters ? Jager
Fighter Bombers ? Jagdbomber
Medium Scout Drones - Mittlere Aufklarungsdrohnen
Drone Upgrades ? Drohnenupgrades
Combat Utility Drones ? Kampfunterstutzungsdrohnen
Logistic Drones ? Versorgungsdrohnen

한국어판 생기면 번역함.